Santorini Wedding Photographer, Pyrgos


OH SANTORINI, HOW I LOVE THEE. These guys had the desire to do their Santorini wedding somewhat differently – ‘it is hard to do differently than others, but we are careful in this since we are both a bit allergic to all traditions and clichés undoubtedly linked to mariage in general and would just love to have a party where everyone’s enjoying themselves in a laid-back way…’ They immediately had my attention and over the next 12 months they drew their plans and had gotten me on board as their Santorini wedding photographer or as they described in their first contact email, ‘We are excited to finally have found someone who can tell our story and the one of our close friends & family.’ How could I resist? Freshly back in the UK from an amazing wedding in Santorini a couple of weeks before I was fired up and island savvy to return and cast fresh eyes on a brand new story as it unfolded. Their wedding celebrations were spread over 3 days officially and then for those lucky to be able to stay longer it was pure holiday indulgance time. The wedding started chilled out with food, Red Donkey and larking around at the wonderful North Villas at the foot of Pyrgos village.


The ceremony was at a relatively little known wedding chapel called Saint Antonio Vineyard. It’s a rather unique wedding venue in Santorini albeit I wouldn’t exactly refer to it as a venue but as a space around a traditional chapel which sits amongst the vineyards with stunning views of the Caldera, Volcano and the landscape of Santorini.


Μεταξύ μας or Metaxi mas or Metaximas in Exo Gonia which is a quick right heading out of Pyrgos and then a swift bendy downhill ride to an unsuspecting car park next to the Church of Agios Charalambos. Thankfully someone thought wisely and sprayed a huge TAVERNA graffiti word with an arrow so we know where to head. This was the location for the evening dinner after the wedding ceremony. I totally understand why people instantly fall in love with this restaurant/taverna, it is now one of my favourite places in Santorini also but it still maintains its authenticity as it grows in popularity likely as its so unsuspectingly placed in Exo Gonia, a tiny inland hamlet very close to Pyrgos itself. It was late when we left the restaurant, we then headed over to Gaia winery to bring a very late close to a perfect day.

Here’s some photographs from the wedding day..

Santorini Wedding Photographer St Antonio Santorini Oia Santorini Wedding Saint Antonio Wedding Saint Antonio Wedding Saint Antonio Wedding Saint Antonio Wedding Saint Antonio Wedding Saint Antonio Wedding Saint Antonio Wedding Saint Antonio Wedding Saint Antonio Wedding Saint Antonio Wedding Saint Antonio Wedding Saint Antonio Wedding Saint Antonio Wedding Metaxi Mas Santorini Wedding Metaxi Mas Santorini Wedding Metaxi Mas Santorini Wedding Metaxi Mas Santorini Wedding Metaxi Mas Santorini Wedding Metaxi Mas Santorini Wedding Metaxi Mas Santorini Wedding Metaxi Mas Santorini Wedding Metaxi Mas Santorini Wedding Metaxi Mas Santorini Wedding Metaxi Mas Santorini Wedding Metaxi Mas Santorini Wedding Metaxi Mas Santorini Wedding Metaxi Mas Santorini Wedding Metaxi Mas Santorini Wedding Metaxi Mas Santorini Wedding Metaxi Mas Santorini Wedding Metaxi Mas Santorini Wedding Metaxi Mas Santorini Wedding