Pimhill Barn Wedding Photographer

Pimhill Barn Wedding

WHAT AN UTTERLY FANTASTIC WAY TO SPEND A WEDNESDAY. Love love loved this Pimhill Barn Wedding photographed at the end of May which is indeed a lush time of year. Nevermind getting hitched on a saturday when everyone has got tonnes of life admin to get through. Have your wedding on a wednesday and halve your work week whilst getting outrageously pissed into the bargain. Deal? You also guarantee only your best mates and family will bother to take the time off work so it’s win win. Rinse and repeat at the weekend.
The best aspect of Pimhill Barn for me was that once hired out for the days required you have exclusive use of the the house and barn bringing in your choice of external suppliers rather than it being a function on the wedding venue. Can’t wait to go back here later this year.

North Wales Wedding Photographer

As a North Wales wedding photographer I would welcome the opportunity to document your wedding day at Pimhill. Please do get in touch for a chat.

Pimhill Barn Wedding Pimhill Barn Wedding Pimhill Barn Wedding Pimhill Barn Wedding Pimhill Barn Wedding