
Paul & Becky { Married at Liverpool Town Hall & The Racquet Club }

Paul and Becky were married last month at the very grand Liverpool Town Hall followed by a sparkly xmas reception at the hip and retro Liverpool Racquet Club. It would be an understatement to say they such a totally fab day despite a slight setback early on from a certain over engineered classic car marque 🙂
Right next door to the Racquet Club on Rumsford Street is a piece of art by the artist Banksy called Biplane Loveheart, thankfully the carpark was open so we could drive the above mentioned cars brother right up next to it for a portrait or two.







  1. Thanks for doing a great job on my brothers wedding photos, I like your style they look fab!

  2. Thanks for doing a great job on my brothers wedding photos, I like your style they look fab!

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