50mm lens bokeh rendering comparison

So I’ve had these 50mm lenses around me for a while now and i just wanted to display in non scientific terms the difference a lens can make when rendering your subject in an image.

These were all shot wide open on the Sony A7 so using manual focus and processed in the same way. Additional contrast was applied where necessary.

So we have two 50mm 1.2 lenses and the Canon 50mm 0.95 lens in these images.

I’m not going to tell you the order of the images. See if you can work out which is the f/0.95 and also tell me which is your preferred rendering.

There are two sets of 3 images taken in the same order with the respective lenses all wide open.


Let me know which you like 🙂


  1. I betting the 1st image is the dream lens. The fish eye seems a little smaller. With all the buzz around the Canon .95 right know makes me want to know more about the second image it seems to have a sexier bokeh that's not as soft as the last image. Any way thanks for sharing.

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